CALL LAVISH AR VIRGIN HAIR EXTENSIONS AT 773-724-9143 based in Chicago
The Most Frequently asked questions by LavishAR Virgin Hair Extensions customers are:
- How long before I get my hair? Most hair typically arrives within 2-3 business working days, overnight is available for extra charge within the US (all shipping is weather permitting)
- How much hair will I need? Typically 2-3 bundles for full head
- How long will my hair last? Lavish AR Hair lasts 12 months up to 2 years
- Can I straighten my curly or wavy hair? Yes, make sure to get professional assistance if you need it
- Can I swim in my hair? Yes you can swim in your hair, however, you will need to rinse your hair immediately after to prevent damage to the hair. (We do not recommend swimming in salt water, ie Ocean)
- Can I Color or bleach my hair? yes you can, however Lavish AR Hair will no longer be responsible for any damages that occur to your hair, we suggest that you have it professionally done
- What kind of shampoo and products can I use on my hair? You can use shampoo and conditioners that are moisturizing products that are ph balanced and sulfate free. (Avoid Alakaline products, they are usually high in alcohol and will dry out the hair).
- How often should I shampoo? You can shampoo in warm to temped water every 5-10 days, making sure that the water aids in the natural direction. (Do not bend over sink or basin)
- What makes Lavish AR Virgin Hair Extensions better than beauty supply hair? Lavish AR Virgin Hair Extensions is 100% natural, no chemicals, or smelly preservatives, each bundle is painstakingly selected by hand, and is gathered to ensure that the cuticles are naturally aligned to prevent tangling and shedding which allows the hair to be worn longer, getting from more than 3-4 installs a year.